Chrysanthemum Festival (The Choyo Festival):the ninth day of the ninth month

In Japan, there are some traditional festivities, that are still practiced. One of them is on the 9th September and it is called Choyo Festival (Chrysanthemum Festival). On this day, they have held events to pray for eternal youth, longevity and prosperity.

Since ancient times, chrysanthemums have been used as medicinal herbs and have been believed to have the power to prolong life. There is a legend about a boy named "Kikujido" who lived for 700 years thanks to chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums also have a longer flowering period than other flowers, and are popular as a flower that symbolizes Japan.

On this day, people enjoy drinking Sake with chrysanthemum flower petals, take a bath with chrysanthemum flowers and there is a tradition of eating chestnut rice on this day, so it is also known as the Chestnut Festival.

Also, people traditionally eat eggplants on this day: grilled eggplant and simmered eggplant are popular dishes. 

Why not find your favourite ceramics/pottery dishes and enjoy the chestnut rice with eggplants?